"How does an Antimatter tree look like"

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The title which I have stated may look strange, "How does an Antimatter tree look like" Antimatter tree means the tree made up of antimatter, not the classification tree. It is important to know the behavior and appearance of antimatter for the future advancement of antimatter based propulsive devices. so, in this post will discuss how it looks like.

We know that trees that we see on our surroundings are made up of matter. just imagine, if they are made up of Antimatter how they look like. The answer is 'they both look same', although the behavior of antimatter is exactly the opposite. This is due to the following reasons:

Some common characteristics which scientists use to describe the elementary building blocks of matter are as follows.
  • mass - a property which allows us to describe an amount of matter, mass causes matter to have weight in a gravitational field
  • charge - describes a particle's electrical property, either negative or positive
  • spin - a rotation of the charged particle on an axis - a property associated with charged, spinning particles


These two tables describe the changes in the common characteristics of subatomic particles of matter and antimatter.

From the tables, one can think that the spin for electron and proton has to be opposite but it's not the case, consider a tube surrounded with strong electric field, if we send electrons and protons into the tube, electrons get attracted to the positive side and protons get attracted to the negative side but they spin in the same direction. But in the case of neutron and antineutron, it is exactly the opposite. A neutron is a combination of 2 down quarks and 1 up quark, An antineutron is the combination of 2 antidown quarks and 1 antiup quark (quark is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter, Quarks combine to form the composite particles called hadrons, protons, neutrons, antineutrons etc.) the main  reason for spin deviation is that the magnetic field produced by the rotation of the down quarks is stronger than the magnetic field produced by the up quark so neutron and antineutron have opposite spin, I will discuss Quark theory in detail in further blogs.

tree made up of matter
a single atom of matter


tree made up of Antimatter

a single atom of antimatter


From this, we can conclude that Matter and Antimatter look same but they differ in there atomic properties i.e. recognition of electron and proton is done based on their charges and neutron can be recognized according to the magnetic spin.

In the next post, I will discuss "ANTIWORLD (big bang)". In that post, I will give a glance about the existence of antiworld and how it relates to Big Bang and the reason behind the non-visibility of antimatter.

Thank you 
signing off TARUN SAI 


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