Introduction and a breif history about Antimatter

Welcome to my imaginary world i.e ANTIWORLD

In this blog, I will give some matter about Antimatter and a brief history of Antimatter.

Whatever we see on our planet and the known universe is made up of matter. Our body, trees, mechanical objects, constructions etc.. , everything is matter.

Now, if we go in to deep we see electrons, protons, and neutrons in the matter. These are atomic particles that we know but we further small elementary particles called quarks, leptons, bosons, fermions, hadrons, leptons etc.., I will discuss all these elementary particles in further blogs.

Let’s talk about antimatter.

How does antimatter look like?

What is the difference between matter and antimatter?

view of atomic particles in hydron and antihydrogen

This simple figure defines the difference between hydrogen and antihydrogen, as the name suggests that it is opposite to the matter i.e. the charge is exactly the opposite. Suppose the nucleus of the matter is made up of positive charge whereas the nucleus of antimatter is made up of negative charge.

Electron - negative charge                             

Proton    - positive charge                               

Neutron   - neutral charge 

 Positron    - positive charge

 Antiproton  -negative charge

 Antineutron  -neutral charge                          

This is some brief about antimatter, I will go deep into it in further blogs


In 1928, a physicist named PAUL DIRAC pioneered the concept of antimatter. He was called the father of antimatter. When he was working on"how the electron behaves when it is traveled with the speed of light", he combined quantum mechanics and Einstein’s special relativity, which says nothing travels faster than light, by solving he was struck at this equation.

Paul Dirac equation

In this equation, he found two solutions, electron with a negative charge and electron with a positive charge. This solution raised the existence of antimatter.

In 1932, CARL ANDESON found antielectron or positron while studying about cosmic rays; these rays are high energy emitting rays at that time.

image captured by Carl Anderson in the cloud chamber
This figure describes the experiment conducted by CARL ANDERSON in a cloud chamber. If an electron is moving in any chamber or in a tube it has to deflect towards the positive side because electron has a negative charge, but in this experiment, he found the exact replica of an electron going towards the negative side.

The cloud chamber is used as an early particle detector, in this chamber, the air saturated is with water vapor and surrounded by a very strong magnetic field. As particles traveled through the chamber, the magnetic field would cause them to bend according to their charge and mass, and by photographing the trails these particles left, the scientists were able to capture on film their journey through the chamber. 
cloud chamber

Slowly all the atomic anti-particles are found, the main reason behind studying this concept is to use the antimatter for interstellar travel; I will discuss future propulsive devices in further blogs. 

In the next blog, I will tell "How does an antimatter tree look like".

Thank You
signing off TARUN SAI


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